Posted on: September 29, 2024 Cardio, Health, Psychology

Toxin Removal From The Body

Many individuals experience burnout from chaotic schedules during the day and a lack of relaxation that’s negatively affecting their mental health. After some period of time this can result in feelings of lethargy and loss of focus that will require a period of time to detox from life’s many stresses.

If relaxation time is not taken seriously this can lead to more serious health complications such as inflammation, constipation, or other digestive issues later on. One of the contributing factors that also make this situation even worse is the presence of heavy metals in the body.

Most people in first world countries are residing in environments polluted with toxins in the air, water, and food supply that are silently affecting their health without them realizing it. Many of these toxins are endocrine distruptors that lower testosterone levels in men gradually.

After a period of time these toxins can accumulate in the body and create chronic illness that will require treatment from professional services.

Changing the quality of these environments is not much in our control for the most part, but we can become more proactive in removing these toxins with effective health routines, such as regularly detoxing.

Why You Should Adopt Detoxing Everyday Into Your Fitness Lifestyle

Toxins are present in our environment naturally, which makes avoiding them nearly impossible for those that are health conscious. In the United States there are currently 188 air pollutants present in the air that are detected by the EPA that are a problem for concern.

With all of these pollutants in our environment, a regular detoxing protocol is wise to stay healthy and feeling at your best at all times. There are a few methods to physically detox your body on a regular basis that are effective and can drastically change your overall mood over time.

Detoxing is also very affordable and doesn’t require much financial investment, unlike other medical and physiological procedures.


Saunas help stimulate your lymphatic system, which is the network of vessels that drain and circulate fluids throughout the body. This is also connected to the circulatory system that regulates blood pressure to the heart and the rest of your organs.

Saunas causes physiological adaptions that are similar to aerobic exercise, as the heart rate increases and profuse sweating occurs from the skin. Under intense heat, heat shock proteins are activated to prevent proteins in the blood from forming plaques and blood clots in the blood vessels.

While saunas are great for circulating blood faster in the body, the intense heat does not have much of an effect on removing heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic, etc.) from the blood.

The heat does provide mobilization of these metals from the tissues, similarly to rocks sitting on the bottom of a swimming pool. Heavy metals aren’t removed from the body easily and other methods must be used.

Saunas are most effective at an internal temperature of 175 – 180 degrees Fahrenheit for an average time of 15-20 minute in a session 4 to 7 times per week. Anything over 200 Fahrenheit is actually dangerous for most people and can actually reverse the effective benefits.


Enemas are actually the most effective method for removing heavy metals from the body as we release most toxins from our stool (doesn’t sound that pleasant, I know). Enemas involve flushing out the body’s waste using an external source such as water or coffee from the colon. There are several methods for this:

  1. Colon Hydrotherapy: Involves putting water in your colon and flushing everything out using an invasive tube that’s inserted administered with a machine.
  2. Herbal Laxatives: Naturally occurring herbs that can be consumed that stimulate the colon to flush waste from the colon. These can be synthetic products such as Metamucil or natural plants or herbs that cause a reaction in the digestive system. Fruits and vegetables have sources of fiber that can also be used to cleanse the body.
  3. Colema: A process invented by Bernard Jensen that involves water flushing using a water bottle that’s inserted into the anus. Can be used with water or coffee. With this flushing method electrolytes and and micro bacteria must be replaced to prevent constipation or bloating.

Intermittent Fasting:

The practice of intermittent fasting gives the colon time to clear most waste that’s within the colon and can prevent constipation, malabsorption, and colitis conditions from occurring. Polyps are usually formed in the lining of the colon, which eventually grow and become cancerous over time.

This is why colon cancer screenings are generally recommended at age 45 for men and is currently the third leading cause for death in the United States. Intermittent fasting should be practiced frequently throughout the week, if not daily to prevent metabolic disease and keep the body as healthy as possible from toxins.

The Wrap Up

Toxins are naturally present in our environment and are nearly impossible to avoid for even the most health conscious individuals. When these toxins accumulate in the body over time, we’re at risk for mental health issues and disastrous effects towards our physical health as well. We can use these effective detox methods to clear toxins and experience improvements in mood, energy, and overall wellbeing.

What else do you want to know?

What is Intermittent Fasting?

How Intermittent Fasting Can Aid Chronic Disease

The Link Between Mental Health and Exercise

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