Posted on: March 12, 2025 Blog

Recurring Health Problems

In spite of the widespread access to healthcare in the United States, many African Americans are still struggling to maintain good health in their older years.

Across the board, statistics show obesity and heart disease rising amongst the entire population. However, the African American male demographic has the worst statistics in America and the lowest life expectancy than any other ethic group.

What’s really sad about the situation is many of the diseases that are plaguing the community are 100% preventable and can be reversed if diagnosed early. Access to doctors from urgent care clinics and the latest hospital technologies haven’t slowed the rise in heart disease, lung infections, cancer diagnosis, or high blood pressure.

What leading factors are contributing to poor health amongst African American males and what can be done to prevent this epidemic in the nearby future?

Why African American Males Health is Continuing to Decline

Early markers for mortality are common with diseases that remain undiagnosed for years and continue to be ignored by individuals. These leading factors for early death are usually heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries, stroke, diabetes, chronic lung problems, infections, and high blood pressure.

Diseases amongst the African American population occur much earlier than other demographics, as the average ages of declining health start at ages 30. Prediabetes and diabetes for African Americans is frequently diagnosed at nearly double the rate of Caucasians in the same age ranges.

In communities where there’s a lack of food that’s nutritious, healthy, and plentiful, better known as food deserts, healthy is not of a priority. These neighborhoods often cater to restaurants that serve food that’s fast, convenient, and something the community can afford.

The health consciousness is also much lower due to the environments that most African Americans live. In areas that may be deemed dangerous or unsafe, it’s less likely for people to exercise outdoors.

‘Healthier food’ also comes with steeper prices in comparison to conventional food supermarkets found in these neighborhoods. Income disparity amongst African American males in comparison to other ethic groups is some of the lowest and has not caught up to the current cost of living.

Another contributing element to African American health is the television programming that’s viewed regularly. African Americans have the highest amount of television viewing hours per day, averaging 3.75 hours per day in comparison to Asian Americans with 1.75 hours.

Television advertisers know that the subconscious mind is subjective to repetitive programming and its most effective on young children. Many of the junk foods that cause health issues later in adulthood are sold to television watchers. Television is still the dominant medium for young children.

Audiobooks and podcasts are some of the best ways to obtain the latest health and fitness information, which 13% of African Americans are listening to at the moment. However, since 2020 this number is continuing to decline with each passing year.

Health information is constantly being updated and researched and without re-education on a regular basis this will result in poorer health for individuals that are left in the dark.

The Wrap Up

The U.S. healthcare system has failed to maintain African Americans males’ health over the years, however much of the responsibility lies on the individuals. African Americans are aware of the difference between bad and good foods, however health is not of the highest priority in the communities that they live in and bad habits at home remain a problem for most. Keeping informed and holding individuals accountable is how good health can be kept in check.

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