Posted on: December 26, 2018 Motivation, Technology, Training

Family Events, Parties, and Distractions

Losing weight or staying ripped during the summer months can be challenging enough without some kind of motivation to keep you focused.

Fun distractions and calorie dense food seem to take over our lives as we struggle to stick to fitness commitments made earlier in the year.

Luckily, we have technology that can help steer us in the right direction with the (new fitness challenge introduced to the Apple Watch last fall).

The new ‘Close Your Rings’ challenge is a release for Apple Watch that encourages wearers to meet daily fitness goals by staying active. When you’re close to a goal, the watch sends hourly reminders to walk, stand, or exercise when needed.

Fitness challenges help a lot during the summer months because many people aren’t in the best shape as they would like. Others struggle keeping trim because of easy temptations to binge on food.

Disciplined dieters and fitness enthusiasts often fall prey to extra portion sizes or calories from beverages from time
How to Use Apple Fitness Contest to Shed Fat 


If your main goal is to keep in great shape or maintain lots of endurance throughout the day, start focusing on your activity level rings on the Apple Watch.

Red activity levels or your ‘Move Ring’ has premeasured target goals for total calories burned within a 24 hour period. As it becomes easier to close your move ring with continuous exercise, you can increase the target when the watch prompts you each week.



The watch also sets the target goal based on daily averages, making it a challenge for active individuals to continue closing their rings.
Rewards from working on daily activity rings lead to Apple Achievements, which are badges awarded for certain levels of fitness performance on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual time period.

While there are dozens of badges to get from completing activity rings, many are difficult to obtain because they’re specific to a particular holiday or country where that badge is awarded.

For someone looking to burn excess fat off from their frame in a 90 day period of time, these are the easiest badges you can acquire from your hard work:

New Exercise Record: Beat your all-time minutes recorded for exercise in a day within 10 days of using the Apple Watch
Move Goal 200%: Double your move ring average just once (can definitely be done within 90 days)
7-Workout Week: Just exercise for at least 15 minutes every day for a week.
New Move & Exercise Badge: Will get this one from just using the Watch.
100 Move Goals: This doesn’t have to be on consecutive days, although this may take longer than 90 days to reach for most.

The Wrap Up

The digital awards from the Apple Fitness Contest can motivate many that are struggling to remove excess fat from their frame or just get into much better shape. Results come from consistent hard work and the Apple Watch gives us an analysis of whether we live sedentary or very active lives. As with any aspect of fitness, making small improvements over a long period of time leads to very impressive results.


What else do you want to know?

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