Posted on: December 03, 2021 Health, Psychology, Training

Maintaining a Stress Free Lifestyle

Stress is a part of life but exactly how much stress is enough for someone to say that they have had too much? Surely, our mental health has its limits.

Obviously, the number of factors that keep pressing in on our daily lives makes it impossible for all of us to not have a mental breakdown every day.

With almost every day starting out with nothing but miserable fatigue, it’s hard to say that the rest of the day has any hopes of getting any better.

Conventional stress-relieving mechanisms have only so much effectiveness before they start seeming like everyday routines. An example of this is working out on a daily basis.

While it may be healthy and all, lifting weights and looking at yourself in the mirror while you pick up that dumbbell can only seem appealing for a limited time. After that, you’re trapped in the same boring routines as always.

This is especially problematic for people who seldom get the time in their busy routines to focus on something physically engaging enough to displace some energy.

For most, it’s not even about being productive, it’s just the need to release frustration and stress that just keeps piling up.

This is why conventional workouts aren’t enough, and that’s exactly where these unconventional workouts come in to save the day.


Top 5 Unconventional Workouts That Relieve Mental Stress


Shadowboxing and Boxing

Boxing is perhaps the best option on this list and is thus, mentioned first. There are many reasons for this, the most obvious of all is that it incorporates a lot of energy displacement that is directly related to stress relief.

This is because boxing and shadowboxing involve punching, running and letting your frustration out in the form of anger, something that you’re not allowed to do normally. (Not to mention the fact that little to no situation ever gets better because the angry person decided to act on their anger)

It’s no secret that demolition rooms (places that allow you to wreck a room with sledgehammers) are very popular for people having a hard time dealing with stress and anger management problems.

The simple act of punching may not seem like a lot but after a stressful day at work or at school, it’s best to stay silent all day and let your punches do the talking with the bag when you get to the gym.

Considering that you can even have a punching bag at home, you can give yourself the time and space you need alone while going at your full capacity. You can feel free to let it all out on the punching bag because it’s there to take it.

Countless people can verify that rather than handling a situation that angers or triggers you instantly, taking a long cool walk or a punching bag workout session will allow you to let the stress clear the equation enough for you to handle and decide what’s best for the situation.

The fact that boxing has inspired people to achieve some of the greatest achievements in all of history also plays a major role in encouraging people to work out more and get even more strength.

This healthy displacement of negative energy and emotions like anger, frustration, stress and agony can be beneficial when you go all out in mid-air, taking your anger out through shadowboxing rather than getting in quarrels and arguments over the situation.

Since shadowboxing can be done almost anywhere and at any time, you can get yourself some boxing gloves and have them in your bag to go at it whenever you feel frustrated.



Psychology has always sided with dancing and physical movement for stress relief. Involving music into the play only makes things more fun and relaxing for almost any and every human being.

This is because music is universal, regardless of how subjective people might make it out to be. To put it bluntly, play a beat on common time and you’ll eventually see heads nodding, feet tapping and bodies swinging to the beat.

Using this inherent sense of rhythm is not only relaxing but exceptionally motivating, empowering and rewarding in terms of momentary relief and long-term mental stability.

Dancing has incredible benefits on the psychological well-being of a person. One of the most important of which is the improvement in self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-esteem and self-control.

Even if we ignore the physical and physiological benefits of dancing in terms of improving your movement, muscular synchronization, flexibility and balance, we can’t disregard the mood improvement that results in a person after a good dancing session.

Losing ourselves to the music may just be the best thing to do, even in the five minutes we get to ourselves to our favorite track.


Brisk Walking

Going out for a walk in frustration is always a better choice than engaging with the situation headstrong. Taking a walk to cool off before making decisions and especially before confrontations have never ended badly.

More often than not, it’s led to people developing an objective understanding of their situation as they take the time to displace themselves from the equation and think of things from an outsider’s perspective.

Brisk walking refers to walking quick enough to be faster than conventional walkers but not fast enough to be considered running or jogging.

The pace of a brisk walk can be directly proportional to the amount of stress you’re feeling at the time. And its duration can vary with respect to your frustration as well.

The key is to keep walking without having a clear destination but a path in mind that you can follow without putting yourself at risk. That is to say, don’t just start walking by the creek or through the woods late at night without a sense of direction to get back.



Although everyone keeps mentioning it, it’s still hard for many people to believe that all the breathing techniques and positions that Yoga recommends are actually helpful.

Lay your doubts to rest because even if you might not see Yoga giving you 6-pack abs and pecs, it does give you the physical, physiological and psychological relief that you’re looking for.

Yoga positions, as tough or awkward as they may seem, are very intense and target specific muscular joints of your body that get tensed.

Stretching is always a good way to relieve tension between the bones and muscles. Taking the knuckle cracks to a whole new level, a good Yoga session is nothing less than a good physiotherapeutic session.

You can reap almost the same benefits from Yoga that you can from intense cardio and flexibility exercises. Even if you don’t agree with it, try the breathing exercises anyway.

A few deep breaths can be the difference between someone very furious and someone who’s calm and collected enough to handle situations.

The Wrap Up

While these unconventional workouts may not seem like the daily physical exercise recommendation list you normally read about, psychologists recommend all these activities as healthy habits to develop. As explained above, stress is a part of our lives but there are times when stress can become overwhelming. Like a cup that can run-eth over, make sure that you’re not holding in more than you can and let the excess run out from time to time.

What else do you want to know?

Why You Should Be Stretching Before Your Workouts

Yoga Power: Reducing Stress and Improving Oral Health

Using Mediation for Better Weightlifting Results

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