Posted on: December 22, 2016 Aesthetics, Muscle Gain


Focus on Gaining Muscle Fast

Eating calories at a surplus to gain muscle is one of the main staples of information distributed in the fitness industry to weightlifters, especially when they’re new to bodybuilding.

There is a hidden agenda by companies to sell weight gainers, protein shakes, and other supplements to help hard gainers build more muscle quicker and easier.

Instead of studying the principles for building muscle, new strategies for fast weight gain are used to keep clients satisfied with their mediocre results.

The only problem is that the muscle gains from dirty bulking diets are temporary and eventually leave you the same way you started once you start a cutting diet.

Most diets have problems with meal options loaded with too many calories which could lead to fat spillover. This ruins a good physique by depositing excess fat in stubborn areas.



Why Your Dirty Bulking May Be A Bad Idea
It’s easy to overindulge in massive quantities of food to build muscle, but it could come with an enormous price pay later down the road.

As you consume a high calorie diet, your body produces cells to signal fat production right away.

None of these fat cells can be removed, they only can get smaller, which explains why some people gain weight faster off their diets than others.

The more fat cells acquired from diet in a caloric surplus, the easier it is to have those fat cells filled when you start eating more food.

Individuals who are obese (body fat levels over 29%) are at a disadvantage as they’re more likely to produce low levels of glucagon, which is a hormone that stimulates the breakdown of fats.

This programs your body to a “sugar burning machine” instead of a “fat burning furnace” by using the food you eat to replace your body’s stored energy.

As a result, you never get rid of your stored body fat and your healthy diet starts to become ineffective.

For these reasons alone, it’s better to build muscle slowly over time with progressive overload during workouts and focusing on consuming quality, nutritious food in your diet at a small caloric surplus (see How to Properly Build Muscle).

Bulking diets creates stunts your muscular development by wasting your time gaining mass too quickly and dieting excessively to remove the extra fat.

The Wrap Up

Diets that cause excessive weight gain in a short time are horrible for keeping an impressive physique year round. When you increase calories to surplus with your meals, you risk gaining fat that can be hard to remove when you’re looking to get into peak condition. For proper muscle development, you need a balance of progressive strength training and proper nutrition over a period of time.


What else do you want to know?

How to Use Apple Fitness Contest to Shed Fat

How to Use The Portion Sizing Method

How to Properly Build Muscle

What is Progessive Overload?

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