Do you feel self-conscious at the beach or pool when you’re out with friends and family?

You may want to do something about your physique but may not feel that committed to doing it yet: that is if you didn’t have to give up the foods you love the most.

Well, if you’re like me you may not want to give up some of those fatty foods, snacks, calorie-heavy foods we crave occasionally but can slowly add unwanted fat to our frame over time.

What if you heard building muscle and burning fat at the same time isn’t that big of a myth? Also that:

  • Getting rid of a lot of body fat is actually about working out smarter, not harder
  • You can actually change how you look without going on long starvation diets
  • You don’t need to avoid carbs or fast food restaurants for the rest of your life to look great
  • You don’t need pricey supplements or drugs that can put a risk to your health
  • You don’t need to count calories daily for the rest of your life

If you heard anything like this, it would seem too good to be true.

Imagine being able to eat the foods that are known for adding pounds like ice cream, pizza, late at night but managing to keep your weight down.
Now imagine finally learning the right things to do for good and never having to learn them again once you do.

Everyone knows that diet and exercise is one of the most important things we need to spend our time doing regularly, but most people fail to regularly exercise at least 3 times a week to stay active.

In the United States now over 67% of people are borderline overweight or clinically obese, which seems to be rising each year in our country.

The good news is that you already have all the information to build an incredible physique, you just need to make minuscule adjustments to get there.

What they say about nutrition is true, you are what you eat, but now you can learn how to eat food correctly to get the results you’re looking to achieve.

What’s the biggest reason why you’re not seeing results with what you’re doing right now?

When I see people with having trouble reaching their fitness goals, it’s usually because of one of these 3 reasons…

Problem# 1: Not Enough Protein

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If you look into most kitchen pantries and refrigerators, you’ll find that most processed food or foods with high amounts of sugar.

Even if you avoid these bad foods, keeping your healthy lean body mass can become difficult because of the type of macronutrients you’re eating regularly.

Not eating enough protein in the day can result in a slow loss of muscle mass, which can lower your metabolism with enough time.

Thinking of food being the building blocks for our body, we start to think more carefully about what kind of food we ingest and the sources where we get our food.

To get a lean, well-defined body, you need protein as the primary source of food to build enough healthy lean muscle never to have to worry about fat gain or weight control ever again.


You want to keep as much lean muscle mass on you as possible as your body’s basal metabolic rate is determined your ratio of muscle to fat.


People without the proper amount of lean muscle and higher body fat levels tend to have higher appetites for food, caused by leptin, a hormone that causes hunger when released in your bloodstream.

Having your leptin levels elevated causes you to have constant hunger cravings and uncontrollable eating habits if they’re left unnoticed.

Problem #2: You’ve been taught that cardio is all you need to do to manage weight.


Doing tons of cardio seems to make sense since it’s been proven to focus on breaking down fatty acids for energy during aerobics.

The only problem is that people of all ages and groups have been doing cardio for years but very few people manage to keep the weight off.

It’s a constant yo-yo battle of crash dieting combined with cardio that gets people frustrated when they see their weight scale numbers climbing back up.

Cardio is the only principle of weight loss that is effective at delivering results that can be accounted for time after time.

Yes, you do need to do cardio to lose weight. But cardio is only one small piece of the puzzle that makes up the bigger picture of personal fitness.

The main principle of intensity has to be applied as well if you want to notice a difference and it’s something that’s not talked about enough.

When you don’t apply intensity to anything, it wastes time that could be more productive spent doing something else.

For example, if you move a magnifying glass over a newspaper with the sun reflected over it back and forth, it probably won’t burn. But if you focus it directly on the paper it will catch aflame after a short time.

You want to apply that to your workouts but you need to know what techniques add intensity and in what order you should do them in. This is critical.

Problem #3: You’re working out for the wrong reasons

Work Life Balance

If you’re like most people, you probably started first to get involved with exercise because you wanted to look and feel better about yourself. 

There was something that was bothering you about your physique, so you invest the little spare time you have to improve your body.

Working out to fix your self-confidence or to just gain long-lasting strength over time are good internal reasons to start lifting weights.

A weaker motivator for lifting weights would be someone who lifted to look exactly like someone else they know, as they’ll always be someone with a much leaner or more muscular physique than you.

Working on becoming a better version of yourself should be the starting part of any solid training program, and a knowledgeable personal trainer can help you reach your goals much faster.

Whenever people set goals to look like other people it sets a false level of achievement that no one can live up to. Not only is it hard to look exactly look other people but it could set a limit on having results that you never thought you get if you really worked for it.

Looking like other people with impressive physiques is a start that you need to have to keep feeling inspired, but you need a little bit more than that to keep on going.

Your best motivation is going to come from the results that you accomplish and can see with your own two eyes.

You need to see what kind progress you’re making when you make improvements in your diet, workout routine, or changes in your habits so that you’re performing at your best.

A fully customized meal and workout plan showing where you at now and where you want to be might be enough to motivate you towards a healthier, active lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Only if you want to. Some prefer to cook their own meals so they can prepare it the way they want to, while others like to not think about making food after a busy day at work. We can customize the food any style you like it and make those choice meet the parameters for weight loss or muscle gain.

You’ll be able to access my meal and workout plan from anywhere online once your purchase has been received. For meal delivery services there is worldwide delivery to your door when you need it. By putting in your order you’ll have the meal service that can deliver hot, gourmet food to your home or the nearest location to you for pickup.

The best way to reach me is by email. I usually can respond back within 24 hours but sometimes I do lag behind because of my schedule. My email address is

Upfront payment is preferred but we can invoice ½ of the price of the program if that best suits you.

At the moment there are no recurring charges for this program.

Benefits of Purchasing My Program

  • Learn how to perform more efficient cardio workouts. Our high-intensity training techniques help burn stubborn fat quickly and efficiently.
  • Email access to our personal trainers within 4-6 hours concerning customized exercises, meal delivery, diet adjustments, or health related issues.
  • Our automatic email delivery service notifies of your next scheduled training day along with weekly modifications to your diet plan.
  • Daily monitoring of your workouts and diet to help your ideal weight/body fat levels at the end of the 12 weeks.
  • Our money back guarantee promises you results within 12 weeks or your money back. We’re confident you’ll be satisfied with the rapid fat loss results on our program.
  • Includes a set of workout accessories (water bottle, push up bars, resistance bands, tape measure) along with our latest patent, the Polo BioTech Workout Shirt to help you work on your form and record all of your workouts (Polo BioTech Workout Shirt includes a Apple Watch 2, Polo Techshirt, and GymWatch™  sensor).

Made of polyester, nylon, and spandex, the Polo BioTech Workout Shirt absorbs perspiration during workouts and dries quickly afterward. No more constant changing of old gym shirts and clogging your laundry basket with smelly clothes!

If you’re ready to change your physique with mobile personal training services that can manage your weight while you’re traveling anywhere, don’t hesitate to order now!

Enough! I’m Ready to Get Started
